Saturday, February 9, 2008

Back in Business!

The Writers strike is over! Yay! Do a little dance! Have a party! Good TV and Film is back!

While this is not entirely marketing related, the writers do affect every aspect of the product being marketed. Since the strike began in November of 2007, we've witnessed what I can only call a slow creative death. We've seen quality TV like Dirty Sexy Money and Heroes replaced by cheesy reality TV, (Does anyone else think The Moment Of Truth is the most horrible idea ever? How many lives are they going to ruin in the name of "entertainment"?)

While it's always the big name stars and the big directors who get all the fame and attention, it's the writers behind the scenes that keep the creative gears in LA and New York turning. Today, I give all the writers their props. They had the courage to strike, and the determination to see it through. It is with great joy that I say, welcome back! We've missed you!

Now get back to work! We've got shows to catch up on!

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

notice they haven't voted yet - when you posted, the 2 groups of writers hadn't even met with the negotiating team. Variety has had really awful coverage thru the strike - pro-studio. I agree with you - I hope it's over and I hope they got some of what they asked for

2 good posts - 10/10 points